Articles filed under


Analyzing Lobbyist Data

The Office of the Lobbyist Registrar ensures the public disclosure of lobbying activities and oversees the regulation of lobbyists’ conduct. The City of Toronto publishes this data through the Lobbyist Registry Disclosure Site and through the Open Data Portal.

Exploring Toronto voter statistics using Golang

Yizhao Tan takes us through how to use the GO programming language to better understand voter turnouts and patterns in Toronto.

Exploring Bike Share Ridership

The weather is finally warming up and Torontonians are venturing outside to catch some sun. One thing is for certain: we love our bikes, and we’ll ride them everywhere. The Open Data team’s own Yizhao Tan decided to work with the open data provided by the City to better understand how Torontonians use bike share. Learn more about how Yizhao uses data visualization and analysis libraries, as well as data cleaning tools, to demonstrate how to turn cycling open data into insights.